Monday 23 July 2012

Ladies and Gents I give you Nigel....

Hello again peoples of the internet, I am back with the update I promised a few posts ago its the finished Nigel model complete with legs and everything !! Like i said before this has been my first time doing a model this big and a human one so forgive any issues, the legs were very very hard for me to do since after struggling for a long time on them I found out I kinda modelled the chest wrong and had to adapt which took me an hour just to get the base shape which left the bottom of the chest all messed up and I had to go back and sort out the chest or put it this way he would have looked like a alien "Not a bad thing xD". Nigel now looks kinda normal his feet may be a bit big I will get around to scaling them down sometime, but for the mean time he serves his roll well a test model for modelling, animation, rigging and if I get around to it sculpting, the next step for Nigel now is rigging which I had a play around with last night and found out its not easy to line everything up and sighing when i remembered the state of his hands when I modelled them the fingers are actually messed up making it hard to get the rig on the fingers hopefully it will come to together in time and we can starting making this dude walk, run, sing, and jump "I kid about the sing part :L".

Before anyone says anything I have already had loads of people say he looks like slender man because of the lack of face XD
As you can also tell from the model I started sculpting basic muscles features as you can tell from the chest area and stomach including along the arms, this is only basic very basic when i finished the model it was pretty late at night and I decided to stop because I was tired so I only did a bit of basic muscle definition.

And that's Nigel at the moment, I will go back and do more like I said at the moment I have started modelling other stuff "Non humanoid things" which I find more easy than a whole character maybe I have found my thing what I am planning on modelling now is chess pieces to go onto a board I finished the Pawn piece last night it took only about 10 mins to model so I hope that proves I am getting better "Granted it then took another 10 mins to re make it since i deleted it instead of saving it -_-" I shall do another post sometime which the Pawn renders and such. Anyway before I go I will leave you will some test rigs screens where I was trying to line it up.

Till next time.

Creative Commons License
Simple Animations by Conor Scott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


  1. Dem normals look like they need tweaking.

  2. Notice the words "kinda" normal xD his feet are a bit meh

    1. I mean Surface normals, For calculating lighting

  3. Thanks dude I shall have a lookie ^_^
