Friday 24 August 2012

This night is a dark knight.....

Hello everyone, ^_^ as promised I am back finally settling in with life again been busy with unpacking and getting results so I haven't had much time to do 3d modelling but tonight I finally sat down and started my new model the knight chess piece forgive the title I was trying to think of something snappy but that's the best I could do :) 

Don't expect it to have that much detail on it, still a noob remember >.<

And thinking of it now I will need to hunt down that marble effect I did for my Pawn piece to use again, that may actually hide the scaring effect on my bishop model.
Anyway I need to make this one in two parts the main base and the actual horse part I then need to join up the two pieces when I am done with them, why is this I hear you scream ? surely its just a waste of time, and I say yea it most likely is xD but there is method to my madness, I am thinking it would be hard to scale up the head well its already attached to the base, I already did this technique when I created my human model with his fingers.

Heres some screens of the finished base I have yet to start the head but that will come soon expect that in a update sometime next week and or the weekend.

Another feature I am making use of now is the two screen feature blender lets you create multiple screens that allow you to work at different angles I find its very useful if I am working from a source image like this one as I am modelling it 2d and I only have to look right and see it in 3d very helpful.

Little test render of the base.

Till next time.

Creative Commons License
Simple Animations by Conor Scott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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