Sunday 19 August 2012

Return of the mack!!!!!!!!!!!!

Return of the Mack it is 
Return of the Mack come on 
Return of the Mack oh my God
You know that I'll be back here I am
Return of the Mack once again
Return of the Mack pump up the world
Return of the Mack watch my flow

As the song suggested yes I am back ! "Sorry I couldn't resist not using that song :P"

I have returned from the land known as Greece fully rested and relaxed, ready to jump back into this modelling business, ummm an update will come shortly maybe sometime in the week I am still getting my barrings and sorting out stuff and meeting up with friends since I have been away for 2 weeks with a lack of contact with anyone, "Oooo that greek wifi >.<"

I also wish to say thank you again since I thought because I wasnt gonna be posting anything for 2 weeks my view count would drop to a 0 however it kept rising and know its up to about 380 + which is pretty sick so thanks everyone, once again please follow if you like what you see ;), I should most likely do some kind of video soon to thank everyone, that would be nice right see I do treat you guys/gals well don't i ? :D

Till next time

Creative Commons License
Simple Animations by Conor Scott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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