Monday 3 December 2012

3D Modelling in College

Hello there you crazy cats ;), well the 3D Modelling part of my games course at college has finally started so expect to see more models coming up ^_^ note of course these models will not be included in my EPQ due to the nature of the EPQ not allowing other work done in other course on it but never the less it does give me more stuff to add it the page!

Luckily the software we are using is good old Blender so I have a slight advantage because I have been teaching myself it since summer our first task isn't that hard, basically we need to create a solar system with 5-6 planets in, heres a quick render of mine not totally done yet but I threw it together in a few minutes.

All made using the base textures in Blender not finished yet but I am quite happy with them :D gonna work on the sun for a little bit longer, and for some reason the two pale blue planets I have made look just like the starter planet I choose well playing Spore only just noticed that well typing this.

On a side note Spore is a very good and fun game, go out and buy it right now endless fun.

Note if you don't go play spore this thing will cry and look its so cute! ^_^

Till next time.

Creative Commons License
Simple Animations by Conor Scott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

1 comment:

  1. What? Me, play Spore? Never!

    ...Although, now you mention it, I should probably get the Creature Creator out again. Do you think that you can handle the creativity a second time? >:D
