Wednesday 12 September 2012

Wretches and Kings

Hello there, back again with more lovely 3d goodness If anyone is wondering the title of today's blog is actually also the title of a very good Linkin Park song please go check it out its pretty awesome ^_^
Anyway onto the post I have created the next chess piece "The King" only issue is its not totally finished its missing the top getting around to adding that soon, been busy with college starting up again "sad face :(" even though it is missing the topper the base shape is there and it looks pretty good, but first an actual king piece just in case none knows :L

The finest white chocolate.... I kid XD
Imagine chocolate chess sets, the future??
Anyway need to stay on topic yes the king piece...

Doesn't look too bad, mine has a little bit of a rounded top but that's just because of the subdivisions and to be honest looks quite cool, like I said the topper hasn't been done yet as I will need to model it on its own like I did with the knights head and then attach it after, I will posted the completed one whenever I get around to modelling it up shouldn't take me that long or though it kinda small could be a problem.

Like I said before because college has started up again posts may come a little bit slower but not too much, I am planning a review in a few days time of an amazing game related book I got which is amazing, and a few other things as well heres a sneak peak of the book in the box try and guess what it is ;) 

And also Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is out soon so expect something on that because the 3d art in that game is amazing.

Now before I go, go over to my good friends blog and demand he makes his blog posts longer!!! good name right ;) 

Till next time.

Creative Commons License
Simple Animations by Conor Scott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

1 comment:

  1. Ah-hah! I found the comments box! Your grammatical errors and misinformation is now at risk thanks to this monumental discovery! [b]testing[/b] testing again...

    Right, now that I know the coding language used... (>:D) I shall make my point.

    There ARE chocolate chess sets! I used to have one myself - the large problems were these;

    Do you eat your pieces when they are taken, or does the opponent because they took them?

    What if a pawn gets to the other end and you've already eaten a piece?

    Is it winner takes all?

    Why is it melting halfway through the game?

    And curse the restriction on the code! It won't let me < li >!

    But it was, nevertheless, a very tasty chess set.
